Learn Korean Words with Instagram Photos #1
Photos are a great tool when it comes to learning and reviewing vocabulary because they can help you visualize the objects instead of just memorizing the word. We take photos for you every day and share them on Instagram and our Facebook page just for that purpose! Here’s a video compilation of 30 photos from the album. Enjoy!Here’s the entire list of words:
- 강아지 = puppy
- 비행기 = airplane / 날개 = wing
- 새 = bird
- 커피 = coffee
- 에스컬레이터 = escalator
- 고양이 = cat
- 물 = water
- 오토바이 = motorcycle
- 길거리 공연 = busking
- 비 = rain
- 꽃 = flower
- 우산 = umbrella
- 의자 = chair
- 신문 = newspaper
- 자동차 = car
- 연 = kite
- 회전목마 = carousel
- 잡지 = magazine
- 강 = river
- 빨대 = straw
- 불가사리 = starfish
- 카메라 = camera = 사진기
- 책 = book
- 낙서 = scribble
- 공중전화 = payphone
- 맥주 = beer
- 계단 = stairs
- 문 = door
- 호박 = pumpkin
- 노트북 = laptop computer
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