The story unfolds in Atlanta, Georgia, as Cyrus DeBarge, who is a
pastor’s son, and his best friend Kris McDuffy reunite with their
childhood friend, teenage singing sensation Roxanne “Roxie” Andrews,
whose music label is sponsoring a songwriting contest at a teen club.
Cyrus, a shy busboy and Youth Choir director who writes rap music under
the name “Truth,” crafts a heartfelt and contest-winning rhyme song
called “Don’t Run Away” about Roxie but Roxie ends up mistaking him for
Kris due to him sending in a photo of both him and Kris. Knowing that
Kris wants to be with Roxie, Cyrus stands by while Kris not only takes
credit for the lyrics but ultimately begins to win Roxie’s heart too.
After seeing Kris take all the credit, Cyrus begins straying farther and
farther away from Kris. Meanwhile, a conflict is beginning to form
between Cyrus and his dad due to Cyrus’s dad’s opinion that rap is the
Devil’s music.
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