Title: 이웃집 꽃미남 / Yiootjib Kkotminam
Also known as: My Neighbor Flower Boy / The Pretty Boy Next Door / My Flower Boy Neighbor
Genre: Romance, comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN, On Style
Broadcast period: 2013-Jan-07 to 2013-Feb-26 creditasiawiki.com
A romantic comedy about a girl named Go Dok Mi who locks her self in her ′tower′ from the world, is caught spying on the man living next door by Enrique Geum.
Enrique Geum is a genius creative director, who is good-looking, stylish and bohemian and can′t get enough of soccer. He will form a love line with Go Dok Mi.
Go Dok Mi is a ′city Rapunzel′ who never ventures outdoors, yet has her own set of charms that makes men go weak.
Also known as: My Neighbor Flower Boy / The Pretty Boy Next Door / My Flower Boy Neighbor
Genre: Romance, comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN, On Style
Broadcast period: 2013-Jan-07 to 2013-Feb-26 creditasiawiki.com
A romantic comedy about a girl named Go Dok Mi who locks her self in her ′tower′ from the world, is caught spying on the man living next door by Enrique Geum.
Enrique Geum is a genius creative director, who is good-looking, stylish and bohemian and can′t get enough of soccer. He will form a love line with Go Dok Mi.
Go Dok Mi is a ′city Rapunzel′ who never ventures outdoors, yet has her own set of charms that makes men go weak.
Next Door Boys
Go Kyung Pyo as Yoo Dong Hoon
Mizuta Kouki (미즈타 코우키) as Watanabe Ryu
Kim Jung San as Han Tae Joon
Mizuta Kouki (미즈타 코우키) as Watanabe Ryu
Kim Jung San as Han Tae Joon
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